Job selection query
Let's have a closer look at the query
that the job scheduler executes:
ALL r_object_id, a_next_invocation
FROM dm_job
4 (run_now
= 1)
5 OR
( (is_inactive = 0)
(   ( a_next_invocation <= DATE('now')
a_next_invocation IS NOT NULLDATE )
8 OR
( a_next_continuation <= DATE('now')
a_next_continuation IS NOT NULLDATE )
10 AND
( (expiration_date > DATE('now'))
11 OR
(expiration_date IS NULLDATE))
12 AND
( (max_iterations = 0)
13 OR
(a_iterations < max_iterations) )    )
16 AND
(i_is_reference = 0 OR i_is_reference is NULL)
AND (i_is_replica = 0 OR i_is_replica is NULL)
BY a_next_invocation, r_object_id
Again I have labelled each line with red numbers. This daunting
query can be made less intimidating by suitable formatting.
From lines 1 and 2 we are querying on dm_job objects. Recall
that the dm_job type defines the scheduling of a job. Lines
3 to 17 define some query predicates to filter the jobs that
might be ready to execute. Line 18 is the order by clause; note
that results are ordered first by a_next_invocation.
By breaking down the query predicate into
smaller chunks we can understand the query logic. At the highest
level, the predicate is 3 complex expressions ANDed together:
(lines 4 to 13) AND (line 16) AND
(line 17)
So all 3 expressions must evaluate to
TRUE for the job object to be considered for execution. The
2nd and 3rd expressions (Lines 16 & 17) cause the query
to ignore mirror and replica dm_job objects. These could possibly
be created in distributed docbase designs but usually these
attributes would not be set for dm_job objects - the 2nd and
3rd expressions should always evaluate to TRUE and we will not
consider them further.
So looking at lines 4 to 13 we
can breakdown this expression - the predicate is 2 expressions
ORed together:
(line 4) OR (line 5 to 13)
At least 1 of those 2 expressions must
evaluate TRUE for the job object to be considered for execution.
Looking at the first expression if we set run_now = 1 then the
lines 4 to 13 evaluate TRUE. run_now is the attribute that is
set when you select Tools | Run in Documentum Administrator.
We simply have to wait until the next time the job scheduler
polls the docbase (by default every 60 seconds if there are
no other jobs to be executed) and the job is executed.
Lines 5 to 13 are the heart of the scheduling
logic. Breaking it down into manageable chunks we get 4 expressions
ANDed together:
(line 5) AND (line 6-9) AND (line
10-11) AND (line 12-13)
All 4 of these expression must evaluate
TRUE for the job to be scheduled to run (as opposed to being
run due to the run_now attribute being set). Line 5 is the rather
contorted logic required to only run Active jobs (I bet Documentum
wished they had called it is_active). Remember that in Documentum
Administrator you can set a job Active or Inactive, if the job
is Inactive it will only executed if the job is run using Tools
| Run. i_is_inactive is the attribute that will be affected
by the Active/Inactive radio button.
Lines 6 to 9 deal with the scheduling requirements
for the a_next_invocation (lines 6 and 7) and a_next_continuation
attributes (lines 8 and 9). The a_next_invocation attribute
is maintained and updated by the scheduler after every invocation
according to the schedule defined by the run_mode and run_interval
attributes (the details are in the Content Server Administrator's
Guide). I must confess that the a_next_continuation attribute
is something of a mystery, according to the Object Reference
it is 'Date of next automatic invocation of the job' which
sounds like the same thing as the a_next_invocation. One thing
to notice about lines 6 to 9 is the logical construct:
'date attribute' <= date(NOW)
AND 'date attribute' IS NOT NULLDATE
This is required because NULLDATE always
evaluates to less than any other date (on Oracle platforms at
least). I say always, in fact if you look at the values stored
in the database for NULLDATE it is actually the date 01 January
0001! Be very careful with NULLDATEs.
Lines 10 and 11 deal with the requirement
not to execute beyond the expiration_date attribute. Notice
that in this case we have ... OR (expiration_date IS NULLDATE).
If no expiration_date is set then we can allow the job to
execute. One irritation with all the WDK versions of Documentum
Administrator is that it is not possible to set a job with
no expiration date. One work around is to set the expiration_date
to NULLDATE manually using DQL or the API.
Finally lines 12 and 13 deal with the requirement
not to exceed the max_iterations attribute. The a_iterations
attribute is incremented by the scheduler after every execution.
There you have it - the DQL that
the job scheduler uses to select jobs for execution. When I
have to debug a system where a job doesn't appear to run one
technique I use is to run the job selection DQL manually. If
the problem job does not appear in the result set then you need
to look at exactly what attributes have been set on the job. next